Ben Fellowes

At the Rainwater Gallery Huntington Beach

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At the Rainwater Gallery Huntington Beach

On September 28, 2015, Posted by , In Featured, By ,, , With 2 Comments

Rainwater gallery

My work is currently featured at the Rainwater Gallery in Huntington Beach

Huntington Beach has slowly started to become a bit of a hot-spot for cool, new art. I have massively enjoyed recent shows in the HB Art Center, including the new Ed Templeton exhibit and especially the highly publicized On the Wall graffiti art show that featured the work of me old mate, Jamie Johnson (Mice of Millions.)

Most significantly has been the introduction of the new Rainwater Gallery to Main Street that is showing some outstanding new art. To be fair, I’m insanely biased because they’re currently showing some of my stuff , but this gallery in particular seems like they’re supporting fresh talent with art pieces that cater to a younger and edgier market.


Brand new piece, St. George and the Dragon, created for the Rainwater Gallery showcase

It’s being curated by Antonia Edwards who has been tremendously supportive to me personally and has a real eye for exciting new art. The artists I’m currently sharing wall space with include Tinsley Hammond, Kyle Cloudfather, Elizabeth Bridy and James Bloom – a selection that represents everything from illuminated abstract art to beautiful photorealistic painting. The art is really diverse but also harmonious in the level of concept and artistic quality.


Rainwater gallery

Tinsley Hammond’s gorgeous abstract lightboxes


Love Kyle Cloudfather’s supercool and colorful work 

As an artist that has showed my work in Santa Ana and Laguna, cities that have strong gallery reputations, I think that Santa Ana may be suffering from being too “hipster cliquey” and Laguna is a victim of its own art success and afraid to take risks on undiscovered artists. Without all the presumptions and preconception-baggage, it feels that HB could be the next city to grow an art reputation in Orange County and is starting to foster a bit of a “vibe”.


My masks, just before they’re hung at the Rainwater Gallery

This may come as a surprise to many but check out the Rainwater Gallery and take a look at what’s really happening in art in Orange County (again, I’m super biased but you should check it out if you are a fan of my work and of cool new art that you won’t see in Laguna or Santa Ana at the moment.)

2 Comments so far:

  1. Antonia Edwards says:

    Thanks for writing such incredible words about the gallery and my efforts to really bring something fresh and interesting to the art scene Ben! Cheers to HUGE success for us all!! Xo Antonia

  2. paul chester says:

    Very good ben. A credit to yourself and your family

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